Monday, November 30, 2015

Endless Summer


     Our endless summer in the south continues to roll along.  We are now a week past our first frost of the season and have seen just two frosts thus far.  One benefit has surely been the food plots that I was as late as ever in planting.  For the first time in my memory, I did now sow seed until November had appeared on the calendar.  The warm days have provided the wheat and oats a great head start before cooler times surely arrive.
     My little hunter Andrew and I chased squirrels and a few deer over Thanksgiving.  We had much better luck with the squirrels than deer.  The warm weather has just stifled the deer movement.  On the other hand, I have seen more scrapes for this time of the year than normal.  I have several cameras watching over scrapes and trails at this point and have gotten a look at numerous young bucks working them.  
       The hogs are scarce.  Movement on the cameras has been almost exclusively at night.  We have a bumper acorn crop which is mostly going untouched except by the squirrels.  The hogs are rooting in the pines and making brief runs through the hardwoods in the darkness.  All that will change if and when the mercury falls.  
        Andrew is determined to kill his first deer.  We have a few small bucks and one quality buck coming to our best greenfield.  Hopefully we will all arrive there at the same time on a cold day in the near future.  Stay tuned...